Saturday, April 14, 2012

Getting Things Started

Welcome, one and all, to my little corner of the internet! My name is Nicholas James Hylton. I'm a husband, a father, an author, and - as of right now - a blogger. I'm glad you've stopped by, and I hope you enjoy the ride!

Right now I'm enjoying a rare moment of quiet in the apartment. My wife Regina, daughter Lea, and cat October are all taking naps in their various beds. Nice to be able to write without having to turn off my hearing aids. (For some reason, Regina always seems to give me envious looks whenever I do that...)

The final round of edits for "Chosen of Harrekh" is almost complete, and the excitement is really starting to build for me. I can't wait to have it up on Amazon! Elsabeth and company are almost ready for their debut.

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